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whom we hosted -
Acid Pauli  - Akufen  - Alejandro Mosso - Ander  -  Andras Fox - Anotr - Antal - Archie Hamilton - Argenis Brito - Ast a la vista - Ata - Autarkic - Auntie Flo Baby Ford  -   Barıs K  -  Billy Caso  -  Boot & Tax  -  Bradley Zero - Britta Arnold -  Bufi -  Burnski  -  Canson - Carista - Cem Özden - Cervus - Cezar -  Chida - Christian Burkhardt - Christopher Rau - Cosmo Vitelli - Daniel Wang - Demdike Stare - Dandy Jack -  Daniel Bell - Dave Dinger - David Dorad David Mayer - Digby - Dicky Trisco - Dirty Döering - Dreems - Dj Fett Burger - Dj Tennis - Dorado - Djuma Soundsystem - Dr. Kessler - Dub Taylor - East end dubs - Eddie c - Esther Silex - Ezgi - Etienne Jaumet - Fabio Della Torre - FLABBERGAST - Franca - Franck Roger - Fred Berthet - Frivolous Garan Garan - Guillaume & The Coutu Dumonts - Hugo Capablanca - Ilhan ErSahin - Inigo Vontier - Isolee - Ivan Smagghe - Jacques Renault - Jake the Rapper - Jamie Lewis - Jan Oberlander - Jan Schulte - Jeremy Underground Jimi Jules - Jimpster - Jonny Rock - Jo ke - Jon Kopf - Julietta - Kai Alcé Kalabrese - Khan of Finland - Kotelett - Krink - Lizz - Los Refrescos - Luca Bacchetti - Madmotormiquel - Manfredas - Matias Aguayo - Matt Karmil - Mimi Love - Molly - Mor Elian - Moscoman - Mousike  - Mr. Doris - Nu - Nu Guinea - Nico Sonne - Nicola Cruz - Oskar Offermann - Oliver Hafenbauer Paquita Gordon - Paramida - Pauli Pocket - Palmbomen II - Pete Herbert - Peter Schumann - Peter Power - Pilocka - Phonique - Philipp Wolgast -  Priku - Prins Thomas - Que Sakamoto - Rainer Trüby - RahaaN - Raz O’hara - Ray Okpara - Ricardo Villalobos - Roy Rosenfeld - Rufus - SIS - Sammy Dee - Samuel Sascha Cawa - Sascha Dive - Sasse - Sassy J - Schnell schnell - Schlepp Geist SCSI-9 - Seb Zito    Silicone Soul - Sleazy Mcqueen  - Sleep D - Steve Bug - Tama Sumo - Tenderlonious - Tiago The Backwoods - The Mole - The Sorry Entertainer - Thomash - Thomas Von Party - Thomass jackson - Tornado Wallace - Tutan - Trujillo -  Wareika - Young Marco - ZIP...
& MORE -
MinimUzikhol is not where East meets the West, it’s where the World drop by and mingle.

we are an intimate affair nestled in Cihangir

the hood at the heart of Istanbul -

without a sign, for 17 years.


#the label.

Born in the heart of the underground, Minimüzikhol is Istanbul's oldest sanctuary for rebels and rhythm seekers.

With 50+ releases, including our MM Benefit Compilation; a 12 track album featuring 14 artists and our Kinder Originals from Kindergarten Label, we move to the beat of those who know the steps by heart.

Each track is a vibe of its own,
from floor-shaking bangers to soul-touching grooves.


Dive in, the sound speaks for itself.

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Find Out

 Who Is In It *

inigo vontier at mini.jpg


We want to keep providing independent coverage of electronic music from Istanbul and around the world.

Thanks for submitting!

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Designed by Kindergarten ICE    © 2023 MiniMuzikhol

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